Day: Monday
Date: October 6th
Days to TEE commences (first paper): exactly 30 days.
Days to TEE ends (last paper): 43 days.
1 week of holidays left
8 days of school left
Tests and assignments left:
- Human Bio human population test
- EALD in-class story & Mock Exam Question 1. (did i mention that our class didn't manage to do the Question 1 of our EALD paper during Mocks because Ms Delena showed up 15minutes late for the listening part Section 1 of the paper? .. eventhough it was a MOCK EXAM.......... )
So anyway, i helped my bro dress up to go for the emo party last saturday. lol look at the descriptions of the party.. pretty hilarious lol
The Emospectacular
"The world is obviously against us so we're screaming out to all you deep down Emo's...get your black clothes and your eyeliner on and come retaliate!!!.....or you can just sit in a corner and cry about it....either way.
What is Emo?
Emo is short for `emotional', a subculture (really, really down there..subterranean culture) of punk rock. Recently, it has become a fashion trend and sadly, a way of life. Emo kids are often mods who realize they can't be cool being mods because they don't know how to dress and can't fight very well. Emo fashion is similar to punk fashion, but with many distinctions. All of a sudden, it is cool for spoiled white suburban rich kids to whine and write pretentious, annoying, and cheesy poetry. The individuals who first established `emo' are now very upset because their little secret has become widespread to TRL proportions.
Attitude (your biased and irrelevant point of view)
You have to act depressed (keyword: act), you are miserable. Life does not matter to you neither does anything else in the world. You must also make everyone around you aware of this. Crying, whining, and staring profoundly at the ground is a must.
Issues (die for your government)
It is very emo to be (or pretend to be) interested in "issues''. You really care about Afghanistan, cruelty to animals, dying children in Guam, and Vegetarianism even though you were just eating a quarter pounder at McDonald's an hour ago. Ironically, you must be oblivious of the damage you are causing to American youth culture with your little "movement".
Shows (the scene)
When your favorite band is playing, you need to get in the very front and put your hands in your pockets. DO NOT remove your hands from pockets at any time. Remember: you are emotional. Remain in a motionless state until the band stops playing. After all, you only came to see the musicians, not to hear the music.
Style (a whole trend in itself)
If the whole "emo thing" does not appeal to you, worry not: you can still cash in. You can always just dress the part. Recommended buying spots include Thrift Stores, Yard Sales and the Salvation Army. Of course, we all know your entire wardrobe was mostly bought at Hot Topic, Newbury Comics, and Spencer's Gifts. Items actually bought at a concert are a rarity, therefore unacceptable. Anything with a star on it is emo.
Hair (the doo)
Your hair must be black or at least dyed an ugly dark magenta color. If you are truly punk, you do not shower. You must used 10 gallons of gel in your hair everyday, so much that you are actually styling the gel rather than the hair. You should also have a short haircut, long hair is not emo. Mop tops are usually the most common approach for boys while girls tend to go with the Zelda approach or something equally masculine. Although this appears to be the case for the current Cosmopolitan emo fashion, there also appears to be a new nascent rebellion in the midst. Outrageously long and uncultivated hair now appears to be taking local high schools and community colleges by storm
Accessories (the essential non-essentials)
Glasses: Thick, black-rimmed, or horn-rimmed glasses. You most likely do not need them, your vision is probably good enough that you could do without them. Even in a world where more fashionable glasses and contacts are readily available you chose these instead. Lenses are optional. You are striving for the "Weezer geek rock" look.
Necklaces: Good choices are those metal/wooden ball necklaces.
Piercings: Studs are a good choice if you really want to emo. The other popular piercings are lebret or other lip rings.
Belt: This is mandatory (aka "a must"). A studded belt is the most popular choice amongst emo kids. Although reserved for members of the now extinct punk culture, the belt has become a distinct trademark of the emo subculture. To increase your "punk" status, wear multiple three stud pyramid belts. The more, the better. Other belts often seen are ones with loops, stars, or any other kind of silly Lisa Frank design. Please note: these belts do not neccesarily have to be in the loops of your pants. It is pretty obvious you missed the majority of them. Yeah, we know this goes against the function of actually holding up your pants but who said a studded belt was supposed to be functional?
Bracelets: You must wear excessive friendship bracelets on both of your wrists. If your hands are a slight shade of purple, you are doing the right thing. The irony in this is you have no friends.
Messenger Bags: Standard backpacks are too common and typical of the society you live in. That is why you must rebel. Only messenger bags will do. One strap, one individual. Your bag must be adjusted to a level just below your shoulder blade. In other words, it is necessary to strangle yourself with your bag. Also, it must be covered with excessive pins and patches supporting various "underground" bands that you claim to have bought at shows. It is also okay to wear a patch without understanding is meaning or purpose, just as long as it's there. It is perfectly alright to have more than one patch for the same band.
Clothes (the threads)Shirts: For girls the popular emo fashion is a tight t-shirt with random logos/messages or tanktops. Boys prefer the ugly 40s "Nick at Night" approach. The goal is to find the ugliest button down shirt you can. Other picks are v-necks and one size too small cardigans, which should have an ugly senior citizen type pattern to it.
Jackets: Common picks include brands such as Dickies, think "gas station jacket". Steal one from Mobil if you have to. You may also choose a more athelete approach by wearing various "vintage" track jackets. Suggested jackets include Adidas and Puma.
Pants: Black skinny leg jeans, that are too tight, and sit below the nether-regions. They may be cuffed.
Socks: This one applies mostly to girls. Your socks must be very strange. White, regular socks are unacceptable. You must express your creativity through your Argyle socks. They must be very colorful with lots of different patterns and cartoon characters. They must also be in sharp contrast with the other attire you are wearing, which is usually dark, dull, and lifeless. It is a good idea to show your socks off whenever you can by rolling up your pants (this should have been covered in `pants'). Important: make sure everyone sees your socks by putting your feet onto a table/desk or calling attention directly to your feet. If you can't be validated, then what is the point?
Shoes: You must own a pair of converse all star low tops, as they are an indicator of your punk status. Any kind of skateboarding shoe will do as well, regardless if you actually skateboard or not.
BYO Drinks (like black sambuca, and vodka - minus the cordial)"
hahaha. i cracked up so much at the friendship bands bracelets part. LOL these angmohs are super funny people. so oh well. i dolled up my bro and helped straightened his hair and put on some eyeliner and black nail polish. and ta-dah! the emo-asian-dude.
some pictures:

Here look abit like L no? just w/o the white shirt, jeans and marshmallows. lol

heh. me straightened my hair too for fun. no waste the electricity no? ;)

haha. so thats saturday night. a week's already over and i only have another week of holidays left. damn. hafta catch up on my humanbio. damn. but oh well. thank god tuitions are already over though they weren't particularly useful. quite a waste of money infact. damn. should have just self-studied. argh. though there's no point in complaining now coz its already over.
well well. gotta admit that my happy mood before has been disrupted a little bit due to certain things. but overall mood's still positive so its' still good. gotta need my positive attitude till at least after TEE. hehe. need the 'i can do anything' mood y'know? so i can study my arse off this time. woohoo.
oh. also, i am very proud to say that i have finally drew the other characters (only the face), so my creation's gonna be complete soon. i changed abit here and there and i look at the guys i drew and i'm like.. OMG so handsome. i want them. and i can actually go 'kyahhhhh' when i look at them. LOL dang i think im going nuts.
hahaha. oh. just came across some cute pictures that can make you smile. (well, i did :))
first two pics: wallaby
don't you just wanna go 'awwwwwwwwwwww'?? lol
heh. look at this one below. see the slight smile at the corners of the mouth? how cutee! and check out the white eye lashes. LOL
this one's bambi (my dog)... so cute right? aww damn i miss it so much!!! it only lies on it back in the mornings after it wakes up and still lazing around. cant get her to lie like this any other time of the day! :P

hoho. this is a husky. my dream pet dog no.1. cute no? check out its stone face. LOL
last two pics are pics of a samoyed (my dream pet dog no.2), from one of my bro's farms he went to work at. see the pure white fur that don't get dirty? so cute! and check out its really black eyes. looks like eyeliner no? :)

kyahhhhhhhhhhh! so cute! :P
see? don't you feel better after looking at pictures like that? do you know that most mammals' natural faces are smiling? (check out kangaroos, other marsupials and dogs for instance. though you gotta leave out the bulldog. =.=" hahaha).
haha. even animals can be happy. what simple creatures. but its the simplicity of it thats so beautiful. haha. if they can be happy so can we. Gawd. what the hell am i talking about now? LOL
gotta go peeps. human bio's calling.
what is it are you looking for my dear one? love? security? friendship? happiness? trust? sincerity? i bet you will definitely find it, if you look in the right places.. good things are hidden well enough in this world so that the effort in finding it makes you treasure it when you finally succeed. though it won't do to be too caught up in searching for these things that you fail to see those which are already around you.'cause sometimes the things you are looking for might already be sitting right infront of you waiting for you to notice them. if only you will just open your eyes and really 'see'. so what are the things around you that you find are good? what is it that makes you happy? whatever they are, make sure you treasure them well. 'cause a treasure found is a treasure forever. Have a nice day people.