Saturday, February 9, 2008

first week of year 12. foooh.

i have 0-kay teachers i guess. and thank god i still have friends in every class so i still have good company! yay!!

so happy to get r-e-u-n-i-t-e-d with our dear fellow buddies! feels good you know? and yeah.. that special feeling of wearing our year 12 uniform and YEAR 12 PRIVILEDGES only YEAR 12s can get!! wheeeee!!

and there was this issue for me bout changing Eald to Eng2a and dropping econs. but nah i think i'll just stick to my all 6 subjects from the start. i should be able to cope with 6 since i was able to do that last year... sighh. tough year for me. T.T

A year of no life awaits me. wish me all the luck i can get. coz im gonna need it. T.T

sigh. i need some sleep before i turn into a walking insomniac zombie. toodles!


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