Sunday, September 23, 2007

huahhhh. *breathes out a sigh of relief*.

Yay. New blog. just finished editing here and there, and it's finally done!! *wipes sweat*

anyways, some good news to present::

1. just finished my last test for the term! Chem test>>out of the way!!
2. Human bio Score:: 92.5%
3. Accounting Score:: 100%
4. IC:: 47%
5. bday just passed, richer by some cash amount

so yay. i can now enjoy myself greatly. without any troubles. without any worries.

oh yeah. you may think it strange that failing my IC with a 47% is a good thing.. well.. it is my first time failing a test so it's sorta "breaking my records"..i walked out of the classroom knowing i would fail, and when i got my paper back.. the moment i saw my mark.. i laughed out loud. i was even happier than when i got 100% in accounting. weird huh.. kinda.. well.. i hate math and that test was really hard... =(

oh to add, my mom's going back this FRIDAY. is that good? or bad? HOHOHOHOHO. of course it's good. well, at least i get the rule the house abit.. for 3 weeks.. HEHEHE.. and mom'll come back at the right time when i am tired of babysitting my bro. YAY!!

ha~~~~~ kinda happy/relieved/peaceful/calm/and everything that defines a positive emotion/feeling/environment/atmosphere/ambiance/etc. hoho.

*this blog kinda different than my previous ones. not so "dark". hehe. i likke itt!!^^


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